Horseback Trail Hinterhausen


This circular walk leads through the woods around the Hermesberg. Above the holiday village of Hinterhausen you have a magnificent panoramic view of Gerolstein and the Kyll valley.

Hinterhausen is the highest village in the Gerolsteiner Land. 23 old houses are grouped in a ring around the old village centre and the small chapel. The entire village centre is now considered a cultural monument and is a listed building. From here you have a wide view over the wooded Eifel heights and the Kyll valley. Numerous hiking trails, including the signposted Pferdsheckweg, lead through the natural surroundings.  The circular trail is well signposted with the "Pferdsheckweg" (Horseback Trail) emblem. The Horseback Trail alone is about 7 km long. If you add the feeder roads to the holiday park, it is about 2 km longer. First the trail leads through deep and dark Eifel forests around the Hermesberg. Then you hike back up to the holiday park and look down on the Wöllersberg volcano and Gerolstein.

The starting point of this hike is the small chapel in the centre of Hinterhausen, a district of Gerolstein. From here, the path leads us out of the centre of the village. We walk along green meadows past the Hinterhausen rest area. We follow the path markings through old forest stands and arrive at the forest holiday park. From here we head downhill, past the information board that explains the history of the horse changing station. Uphill, we reach the spot that opens up a magnificent panoramic view all the way to Gerolstein. We turn right onto the K31 district road, which leads us back to the starting point.

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  • pferdsheckweg
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More information about this route


Kapelle Hinterhausen, Hinterhausener Straße , 54568 Gerolstein-Hinterhausen


Kapelle Hinterhausen, Hinterhausener Straße , 54568 Gerolstein-Hinterhausen

Distance: 7.1 km

Duration: 2:0 h

Difficulty: easy

Ascent: 199 m

Descent: 199 m

Touristik GmbH Gerolsteiner Land

Burgstraße 6
545 Hillesheim
Phone: 06591/ 13 3000

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