Panorama road Leudersdorf


The hike runs mainly over open meadows and agricultural fields around Leudersdorf. It offers wide and magnificent panoramic views in all directions.

The walk keeps what the name promises. There are already information boards at the community house in Leudersdorf, which provide information about the surroundings. From there the path leads out of the village. After a short descent, the slight ascent to the height begins. Depending on the position you can see the Aremberg, the Hohe Acht, the Nürburg and the Hochkelberg. At Michelsberg you meet the Eifelsteig . Past the grill hut we follow the trail on the mountain ridge Auf der Hell. Here the view of the Eifel "11 villages view" offers a wide panorama. This was already appreciated by the Romans, who built a larger settlement in the immediate vicinity. We hike further, cross the K69, circle a small forest, and then descend to the Rohrsbach. Via Hillesheimer Str. we reach our parking lot at the municipal building.

Our Tip: On hot, cloudless days you should not choose this tour, as it offers hardly any shade.

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Marking of the tour:

  • panoramarunde
pdf: files/de-panoramaweg-leudersdorf-blick-auf-aremberg-nuerburg-arensbergpdf: files/flyer_wanderwege_uexheim_innen_1gpx: files/panoramaweg-leudersdorfpdf: files/flyer_wanderwege_uexheim_aussen_1

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More information about this route


Gemeindehaus, 54579 Leudersorf


Gemeindehaus, 54579 Leudersorf

Distance: 9.8 km

Duration: 2:30 h

Difficulty: medium

Ascent: 123 m

Descent: 123 m

Touristik GmbH Gerolsteiner Land

Burgstraße 6
54576 Hillesheim
Phone: 06591/ 13 3000

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