Üxheim Trail


We start the hike around Üxheim in the centre of the village at the church and leave the village along the Kirchstraße south-east towards Ahütte. We turn right into the Schulstraße and follow this road until we meet the K74. Here we turn left, follow the K74 to the height of Dauner Straße and then turn left again following the path markings.

Now we walk past rocks and meadows in the direction of Ahütte. Shortly before entering the village, we take the path "Rohrsbach", then a little to the left across the L70 and then turn right again into the path "Im Erzberg". We cross the Kirbach and then follow the path to the left.

The landscape is impressive and wonderful views over the Gerolsteiner Land open up again and again. After a good 2 hours and 15 minutes, we reach our starting point again at the church in Üxheim.

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More information about this route

Start: Kirchenvorplatz, 54579 Üxheim

Destination: Kirchenvorplatz, 54579 Üxheim

Distance: 8.5 km

Duration: 2:30 h

Difficulty: medium

Ascent: 135 m

Descent: 135 m


Start/ Finish: At the church forecourt in 54579 Üxheim

Touristik GmbH Gerolsteiner Land

Burgstraße 6
54576 Hillesheim
Phone: 06591-13 3000

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