Disappeared in the crime city

Mysterious tour through the alleys of Hillesheim!

Start/finish: Hillesheim Tourist Information, Am Markt 1
Duration/distance: 2 hours, approx. 2 kilometres
Costs: 45,00€ per hour
Start: individual
Number of participants: maximum 25 persons
Route: Entertaining tour through Hillesheim: Mysterious things happen in the narrow alleys of the crime capital Hillesheim. Everywhere there is deceit and fraud, assassination and murder. No one would know who killed whom, when and why, if it weren't for Hella Blick, Klara Fall or Dane Spur, who go with the team of investigators to the scenes of the crimes and quickly make sense of what is happening. Black humour is the constant companion on this tour.

For further information and enquiries, please contact:
Tourist Information Hillesheim - Am Markt 1 - 54576 Hillesheim - Tel. 06591/133 300 - info@krimiland-eifel.de

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