2. Birgeler Wander- & Erlebnistag

Jun 8, 2025


Unique experience and hiking enjoyment in the Eifel!

On June 8, 2025 , the picturesque Eifel in Birgel opens its doors for an unforgettable experience and hiking day.

The Historical Watermill Birgel presents fascinating mill tours and brewery insights from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Children can enjoy activities like bread baking. The Bielenhof-Alm offers a varied program for young and old, and in the evening, visitors can look forward to an open-air concert with the Isleker Musikanten-Express. The Camp Tannenhof enhances the experience day with Highland Games for groups of 2-6 people - from axe throwing to cobblestone tossing. The local community of Birgel invites you to guided hikes in the hiking area of Hirschbergsattel.

The best part: A shuttle service connects all event locations.

Stop by and experience an unforgettable day in the Eifel…

More information: www.erlebnisdorf-birgel.de

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  • Only at June 8, 2025
    At 10:00


Mühlenstraße 1
54587 Birgel


Bielenhof Alm
Wiesbaumer Straße
54587 Birgel
Phone: (0049)152 34790833

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Eselwanderung, © Marleen Item

Begleitete Eselwanderung bei Reuth - Familien-Schnuppertour
Mar 15, 2025

Introductory Tour with Donkey License - In this offer, you will learn about handling and the behavior of donkeys. During a short hike, you can put your acquired knowledge into practice.  Duration: approx. 2 hours (hiking time approx. 1.5 hours), Distance: 4 km, Price: Adults 26.50 €, Children up to 6 years 5.00 €, Children from 6 years 9.50 €, Children with their own donkey 26.50 €, Family price (2 adults, 2 kids, 2 donkeys) 65.00 €, Group rates on requestInfo/Registration: Citiescape Naturcamp, Marleen Item, Auf der Haustert 7, 54597 Reuth Phone: 06552 991498, Mobile: 0174 1820 443, E-Mail: info@citiescape.de, Contact form at www.citiescape.de

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