Sep 21, 2024 - Nov 16, 2024


The BLUTSPUR crime day THE HOUND OF HILLESHEIM An old legend about a murderous dog that roams the night and a gruesome discovery in the middle of the Eifel forest - this murder mystery is full of dark secrets. So many suspects and so many murder motives ... The BLUTSPUR investigators have their hands full trying to hunt down a ruthless murderer. Whether alone or in small groups - all crime fans can put their sleuthing skills to the test here. An exciting crime drama in which all visitors become investigators when they receive their personal investigator's ID card. Searching for clues in the small town, questioning witnesses, searches, countless clues ... Translated with

Each BLUTSPUR crime day includes:

  • the crime story with acting and play direction
  • personalised investigator badges
  • Lunch
  • coffee and cake in the afternoon

The price per person and day is 148,- €.

Start: 10.00 a.m. (meeting point in front of the crime house)
End: approx. 18.00 hrs

Click here to book!

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At a glance


  • September 21, 2024
    10:00 to 18:00
  • November 16, 2024
    10:00 to 18:00


Am Markt 5-7
54576 Hillesheim


KBV Verlags- und Medien GmbH
Am Markt 7
54576 Hillesheim
Phone: +49 6593 998960

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