Eifelverein Gerolstein- "Jahresabschlusswanderung"

Dec 6, 2025


We cordially invite you to the year-end hike that will take you through a beautiful winter landscape. After the hike, we will gather together in a cozy setting to reflect on the hiking year and take a collective look at the hiking plan for 2026.

Hiking route: approx. 8 km
Duration: 2 hours

Hike leadership and registration: Helga Juchems, Tel.: +49 6591 7416

Meeting point: at 2:00 PM at brunnenplatz (information board of the Eifelverein), 54568 Gerolstein

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  • Only at December 6, 2025
    At 14:00


Brunnenplatz - Infotafel Eifelverein
54568 Gerolstein


Eifelverein OG Gerolstein e.V.
Lissinger Straße 8
54568 Gerolstein
Phone: (+49) 6591 980617

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