Eifelverein Hillesheim "Jahresabschlusswanderung rund um Hillesheim"
Dec 14, 2025
To conclude the hiking year 2025, we invite you to an easy hike around Hillesheim. After the hike, all friends of the Eifelverein are invited to a cozy gathering with mulled wine and a small snack. This invitation is especially extended to those who can no longer join the hike for health reasons. The exact location of the final gathering will be published in the local press and on the website of the Eifelverein Hillesheim in due time.
Hiking route: 5 - 8 km depending on the weather
Meeting point: Market and Exhibition Hall Hillesheim
Hike leader: Albert Junk, Phone: +49 6593 1748
Catering team: Bianca Roeser, Phone: +49 6593 8249 and Adelheid Trauden, Phone: +49 6593 9960306