Eifelverein Hillesheim "Wegekreuze in Hillesheim"

Apr 13, 2025


Religious monuments such as wayside crosses reflect the strength of the religious faith in the Eifel region. The hike offered here takes you around Hillesheim to the crosses of the seven footfalls. Praying at these seven crosses was known as a small Stations of the Cross until the beginning of World War I. At the end of the hike, there will be a short presentation on the history of the wayside crosses. Registration for this hike is necessary, and the number of participants is limited.

Hiking distance: 5 km (easy)

Meeting point: Market and Exhibition Hall Hillesheim

Hike leader: Albert Junk, Phone: +49 6593 1748 Email: albert.junk@online.de

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  • Only at April 13, 2025
    At 13:00


Am Viehmarkt
54576 Hillesheim


Eifelverein Hillesheim
Am Alten Born 4
54576 Hillesheim
Phone: +49 6593/ 711

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