Ein Raubüberfall auf den legendären Nachtexpress?
Jul 5, 2025
Second date in 2025 for our popular crime dinner with a 3-course menu and role-playing: A legendary night train makes an unscheduled stop in the small village station Ahütte in 1913, and famous fellow travelers join in: Perhaps the actress Sarah Bernhardt, the dancer Mata H., or even the arms dealer Basil Zaroff are on board?
Participants will receive their role cards well in advance and must solve a crime - or perhaps even commit one themselves?
Participation €79.00 including meals and welcome drink, plus additional drinks as selected.
Participation by pre-registration only.
Venue: Museumsbahnhof Ahütte, Bahnhofstr.9, 54579 Üxheim
For more information visit www.bahnhofsleben.de Contact: bahnhofsvorsteher@bahnhofsleben.de
Currently only a few spots left, nearly sold out