Geschichtliche Reise um den Rockeskyller Kopf - Die „Mutter“ aller Eifelvulkane
Mar 20, 2025 - Mar 21, 2026
In the heart of the volcanic Eifel lies Germany's most complete volcano, the "Rockeskyller Kopf".
As it is a spectacular outcrop, it is rightly called the "mother" of all Eifel volcanoes. It shows all stages of its development from the initial explosive maar stage to strombolian eruptions and lava-spewing fireworks. Information and stories about the shipbuilding industry, the origins of basalt and volcanic sand mining round off the programme.
Info/registration: Doris Clemens (Eifel tour guide), Tel.: 06591 7238, Mobile: 0151 53934689, E-Mail:
OR: Tourist Information Gerolsteiner Land, Tel.: 06591 13 3100, E-Mail:
Price: adults €5.00, families €8.00, group tours on request
Meeting point: 54570 Rockeskyll - Geotafel - car park at the community centre opposite the church.