Mein Freund der Baum - über die Wacholderheide Seiderath zu meinem Lieblingsbaum
May 14, 2025
"My friend the tree" - via the juniper heather Seiderath to my favorite tree
It could tell a lot, the Liberation Beech or Napoleon's Beech on the "Alten Voss" near Berlingen. Clinging to the old volcano, it has defied wind and weather for centuries and is reluctant to reveal its secrets and experiences. Her real age can only be determined after her death, but it is definitely worth a visit. The way to it leads through a juniper heather near Pelm and depending on the season there is also a flora worth seeing and worth protecting. After a successful ascent, we can then understand why the old beech tree feels so good up here. The way back goes via Berlingen with its somewhat different church and via rather lonely forest paths back to Pelm. You can stop off at the Berlinger Mühle (only May to October).
Price: adults € 8.00, children up to 16 years free, groups € 60.00
Meeting point: 54570 Pelm, Studentenring 26, at the fire station
Info / registration (required): Johannes Munkler, email:, Tel. 06591 3888, Mobile 0171 6443572
Hiking distance 8 km at an altitude of 220 meters, walking time approx. 3 hours.