Mit Oldtimer-Bus und Draisinen ins Hohe Venn
Jul 30, 2025
On the third Wednesday of our holiday program, we plan a big trip and travel – as in the days of the opening of the railway in Ahütte – all the way to Sourbrodt in the High Fens. We start with a vintage bus from the 1950s from Ahütte and connect in Kalterherberg to pedal-powered rail bikes for further travel.
After returning to Ahütte, there is the opportunity to dine at the station’s gastronomy (not included in the price). Participation is only by prior registration. Fare for the vintage bus ride and rail bike ride €69.00 for adults, children and teenagers accompanied by an adult €9.00
Location: Museumsbahnhof Ahütte, Bahnhofstr.9, 54579 Üxheim
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