Mit Ur-Opa Johann durch den Arensberg
Apr 4, 2025 - Oct 25, 2025
That was hard work with hard stones - On the way to work with great-grandad Johann, we explore the Arensberg and its surroundings together. Among other things, we look at how the mystical tunnel was created and together we go in search of clues as to how mining took place here. A walk through the volcano from a new perspective, with exciting stories and games for young and old.
The programme is aimed at families and, optionally, primary schools (3rd - 4th year). The tour sheds light on mining, volcanism and the history of the Arensberg. Sturdy footwear is required! The trail is not suitable for wheelchairs. There are no sanitary facilities.
Minimum number of participants: 4 people
Duration: approx. 2.5 hours
Price: €8.00 per person, family price: €30.00 (2 adults + 2 children), groups on request
Info/ Registration: Anne Petry Tel.: 0151 55953286, Mail:
Meeting point: Arensberg car park, Basaltstraße, 54578 Walsdorf-Zilsdorf