Spieleabend im Museumsbahnhof

Apr 4, 2025


After a communal dinner at 6 PM, there are still unpublished “prototypes” of various board games available, including one on the theme of railways in the Eifel.  An evening that invites you to discover new games. And that without the hassle of studying game instructions, as an introduction will be offered on-site for all board games.  

Entry free. Drinks and food according to selection.

Venue: Museumsbahnhof Ahütte, Bahnhofstr.9, 54579 Üxheim

For more information visit www.bahnhofsleben.de Contact: bahnhofsvorsteher@bahnhofsleben.de

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  • Only at April 4, 2025
    At 18:00


Bahnhofstraße 9
54579 Üxheim-Ahütte


Museumsbahnhof Ahütte
Bahnhofstraße 9
54579 Üxheim-Ahütte
Phone: +49 178 9187824

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Begleitete Eselwanderung bei Reuth - Familien-Schnuppertour
Mar 15, 2025

Introductory Tour with Donkey License - In this offer, you will learn about handling and the behavior of donkeys. During a short hike, you can put your acquired knowledge into practice.  Duration: approx. 2 hours (hiking time approx. 1.5 hours), Distance: 4 km, Price: Adults 26.50 €, Children up to 6 years 5.00 €, Children from 6 years 9.50 €, Children with their own donkey 26.50 €, Family price (2 adults, 2 kids, 2 donkeys) 65.00 €, Group rates on requestInfo/Registration: Citiescape Naturcamp, Marleen Item, Auf der Haustert 7, 54597 Reuth Phone: 06552 991498, Mobile: 0174 1820 443, E-Mail: info@citiescape.de, Contact form at www.citiescape.de

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