Vom Vulkan zur Eishöhle - geführter Einstieg in die Eishöhle
Apr 18, 2025 - Sep 12, 2025
Helmet on and lights on!
Anyone entering the Birresborn ice caves feels a chill at first. No wonder, with temperatures not exceeding 6 degrees all year round.
On site, you can have a good look around three different caves and find out what stories the caves can tell from 2000 years ago. Originally created by the mining of millstones, over the centuries the caves became an ice cellar and were highly valued as a refuge in times of crisis. Today, bats use the caves as winter quarters.
Duration: approx. 1.5 hours
Info/registration required: Brunhilde Rings, mobile: 0160 4115289, e-mail: brunhilde.rings@gmx.de, web: www.brunhilde-rings.de
Price: Adults € 9.00, children € 4.00, fixed family price € 22.00
Meeting point: Birresborn ice caves car park, 54574 Birresborn