Krimi, © Touristik GmbH Gerolsteiner Land


Has he been kidnapped? Or does he have to hide? Simon Kneer, the sports teacher from Hillesheim, has been missing without a trace for days and many of his acquaintances are behaving strangely. Now it's up to you... Slip into the role of the investigator and solve this case.

Crime scene Hillesheim - Become an investigator yourself

The crime capital Hillesheim is expanding its offer:

After the crime hiking trail and the Nordschleife-Mordschleife crime bus, the Touristik GmbH Gerolsteiner Land can score with a new gem: The crime trail!

With this attraction Hillesheim is in good company. In Germany alone there are 13 more cases of this kind to solve, 4 more in Austria. After two colleagues from Hillesheim Tourist Information successfully completed and solved the crime trail in Cologne, "Abduction in the Südstadt", it was clear that something like this should not be missing in the crime capital.
No sooner said than done! After several months of planning together with MyCityHighlight Europe GmbH, with the determination of important points, planning and development of a fictitious crime, the adventure in the Eifel can now officially start.

"On a Tuesday morning, the investigation centre receives a missing person's report from Hillesheim. Simon Kneer is missing from his girlfriend. They had last seen each other on Monday morning and then both left for work. Simon Kneer works at a secondary school in Hillesheim. Already in the morning, the secretary's office contacted Caro Mogge to find out where her friend had gone. He had never arrived at school. When there was still no trace of him the next morning, Caro Mogge finally got restless and picked up the phone full of worry."

From now on, crime fiction fans will have to solve this case. But in order to start the investigation, auxiliary materials are of course needed. So you need the so-called case file. This can be purchased on the website or at the Hillesheim Tourist Information Centre for €30.00 per group of 5 people.

After purchasing the case file, the guests can slip into the role of detectives themselves and go in search of clues. The file contains the evidence found and a list with profiles of the suspects. In addition, you receive a map with the marked crime scene and the various locations to be approached for the investigation. In addition to the case file, you need another small accessory, one that is indispensable in this day and age, an internet-capable mobile phone.

For each of the locations, the detectives are asked a question appropriate to the case and the suspects. The answer to this question can only be found at the locations themselves. Therefore, the guests have to actively move through the place to reach their destination. The solution word is sent by SMS to the so-called investigation centre. If it is correct, you receive further important clues to the case. After you have reached all the points, solved all the puzzles and collected all the clues, you can then convict the perpetrator and check how good the group's sleuthing really is.

The crime trail is therefore not only an entertaining programme for tourists, but also for locals and residents from neighbouring towns, and is also a completely unique and special way to get to know the crime capital in a new way.

If your interest has been aroused or if you would like to receive further information about the programme, please contact the Hillesheim Tourist Information, tel. 06591/13 3300,

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