Visits to museums

A visit to a museum during your holiday offers insights into the history, culture and art of the Gerolsteiner Land. They promote understanding and appreciation of the local identity and expand knowledge.

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Ausstellungsraum, © Wolfgang Kreckler

Eisenbahnmuseum - Jünkerath


The Jünkerath Railway Museum documents over 150 years of railroad history in the Eifel and Moselle region. Moselle region is documented. In the exhibition, visitors will find numerous interesting objects from the everyday life of railroad workers…

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Mausefallenmuseum Neroth (1), © H. Wallenborn

Mausefallenmuseum Neroth


 In this museum the home work, manufacturing and distribution system for iron wire mesh ware from Neroth in the 19th Century is exhibited.

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Eifelsteig-2019-095-Cafe Sherlock, Hillesheim, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz

Das Kriminalhaus


An entire house in the name of crime thrillers. Here you will find everything that makes the crime lover's heart beats faster.


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Kleines Museum (innen), © Jochen Hank

Kleines Museum Bolsdorf


In the ''Little Museum'' you can find old and almost forgotten objects


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Eingangsbereich, © Andreas Kurth

Museumsbahnhof Ahütte


Welcome to the cultural monument

"Historical train station Üxheim-Ahütte"

Your journey through time can begin.


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Telefonmuseum Gerolstein, © H. Schirmer



Since his apprenticeship as a telecommunications craftsman in 1951, museum operator Heribert Schirmer has collected over 450 telephones from 15 nations as well as 200 radios and phono devices.


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NKM Gerolstein, © Jochen Hank

Gerolstein Natural History Museum - journeys in time on the Eifelsteig


The Natural History Museum in the old town hall of Gerolstein is on the trail of nature. In addition to minerals, rocks and fossils from the region, there are also exhibits from the prehistoric and early history as well as the most species-rich collection of butterflies in the Eifel…

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