Winterfoto Mürlenbach, Januar 2017, © Könemund

Winter in Gerolsteiner Land

Bertradaburg Winter, © Frau Dr. Manuela Wulfert

The Bertrada Castle in Mürlenbach

The imposing castle towers high above the Eifel village of Mürlenbach. Charlemagne's great-grandmother is said to be the founder of the castle and he himself is said to have been born there. The castle complex is inhabited today and can therefore only be visited at certain times and in certain areas. More information Show on map

Stilisierte Karte der Eifel
Kyll in Gerolstein, © Thomas Hendele

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The Kyll

Kyll in Gerolstein, © Thomas Hendele

The Kyll

The Kyll is a 127.6 km long, northern and left tributary of the Moselle. It flows - apart from three short headwaters from the Belgian region of Wallonia - in the German states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate. More information Show on map

Stilisierte Karte der Eifel
Bertradaburg Winter, © Frau Dr. Manuela Wulfert

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The Bertrada Castle in Mürlenbach

Winter experience

Immerse yourself in the magical winter landscape of Gerolsteiner Land, where snow-covered forests, picturesque villages and glistening lakes provide an idyllic backdrop that will make your winter holiday unforgettable.

Enjoy not only the picturesque beauty of nature, but also a variety of winter activities, from exciting snow hikes and visits to idyllic Christmas markets to cosy evenings by the fire in charming inns.

The regional hospitality and the unique combination of nature experiences and cultural flair make a winter holiday in Gerolsteiner Land an inviting time-out that promises both relaxation and adventure.

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Weihnachtsmarkt, © Pixabay

Event tips for the cold season

Numerous Advent concerts, Christmas markets, winter village festivals and much more take place in late autumn and winter. Experience the magic of Advent and Christmas in Gerolsteiner Land!

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Especially worth seeing in winter


Your perfect hiking package

Why not secure the perfect hiking package for the snowiest months of January and February the perfect hiking package in the Gerolsteiner Land holiday region.

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